Local History Services works closely with Ohio’s smaller local history organizations to provide continuing education, inspiration, and professional development for local historians.

Our History

Local History Services dates back to the state's sesquicentennial in 1953, which generated avid interest in Ohio history. The first statewide conferences for local historians were held in the 1950s, and the first Ohio Historical Marker was dedicated in 1957, commemorating the history of Akron's Portage Path. To aid blossoming local history groups, Ohio History Connection created the job of "Field Representative" and in 1955 began publishing Ohio Local History News.

In 1960, the conference featured the first business meeting of the Association of Historical Societies of Ohio, later known as the Ohio Association of Historical Societies and Museums, and is today known as the Ohio Local History Alliance. Local History Services provides administration, programmatic support, and coordination for this association that serves over 600 local history member institutions. Today, Local History Services continues to work with history organizations across the state to help Ohioans connect with their own local history.

If You Don't Know Who to Ask, Ask Us

If you or your organization has a question about any aspect of doing local history, contact the Local History Office. Staff responds to hundreds of inquiries from local history organizations each year. These questions cover various areas: collections care, governance, priority setting, attracting more people to an organization, and much more.

Our Team

Betsy Hedler

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Local History Services Program Manager
Phone: 614.297.2538
Email: [email protected]

Laura Russell

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Ohio Historical Markers Program Coordinator
Email: [email protected]

Alex Ingley

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Interim Department Manager, Community Engagement
Email: [email protected]

Rose Adotai

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Community Engagement Coordinator
Email: [email protected]

Svetlana Harlan

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Community Engagement Coordinator
Email: [email protected]

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Additional Funding Resources

Local history help wih additional funding resources

Funding Sources

Contact Us

Ohio History Connection Local History Services 800 E. 17th Avenue Columbus, OH 43211


Ohio Local History Alliance

Since its founding in 1960, the Alliance has worked closely with Ohio History Connection, sharing a common goal to encourage preserving and presenting Ohio's heritage. The staff of Local History Services administers and coordinates all Alliance programs. Through its board of trustees, the Alliance provides direction and oversight for those programs. The Alliance's board also serves as the nucleus of a network of organizations and individuals interested in all aspects of community history in Ohio.


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