Become a history maker!

Volunteer your time and talent with Ohio History Connection!

Thank you for your interest in the Volunteer Program at Ohio History Connection! Our dedicated volunteers truly embody our mission – they enable the community to connect with the past to understand the present and create a better future.

Please note: Background checks are required for all applicants 16 years of age and older and placement in any volunteer position is contingent upon successful results.


Tis the Season of Volunteer Opportunties!

It's that time of year again!  Many exciting special events are happening in December at Ohio History Center!  Join us and give back by volunteering at Dickens of a Christmas, La Posada and/ or Kwanzaa!  To learn more about how you can help this holiday season, please complete a special events volunteer application


Click Here to Learn More About Additional Volunteer Opportunities

Track Your Volunteer Hours!

All volunteers are required to track their hours in Track It Forward in order to earn an Ohio History Connection membership. Please contact Teresa Valencia ([email protected]) with any questions.
